passing Sumburgh Head
En route for Skeld - Sumburgh head in the distance
Skeld Marina
Larry in her winter morring
Having arrived in Lerwick in the early hours of Thursday morning we were planning to spend 2 or 3 days there and move to Skeld over the weekend. However, when we spoke to Jim Scott, the fisherman who owns Skeld marina, on Thursday evening, he said that if we did not leave on Friday we might not be able to get round until next Wednesday so, having done our sums ,we left Lerwick about 10 am on Friday.
The wind had gone round to the south east so we motored down to Sumburgh Head and got there just after the tide had turned, which, since we were on springs, was important. We swept round both Sumburgh Head and Fitful Head doing up to 9.9 knots across the ground. We then had a clear run down wind so put up the jib and had a wonderful sail across the bay with the wind gradually increasing.
Jim could see us approaching from his living room window and was on hand with his son to take ropes as we came alongside.
This is a perfect little marina and Larry has the most protected position as was clear in the gale and heavy rain which we were treated to on Friday evening and Saturday. It is said to be warmer and drier here over winter than further south and Jim is confident that he can keep Larry secure through winter gales that can reach force 12.
We have been rapidly welcomed into the community with our first visitors calling within an hour of arrival. The Shetland caravan club is having a rally here this weekend and last night we were invited to their ‘country’ gig and were introduced to the local dialect.
The marina has electrical hook-ups, water, showers, washing machine etc but is true country in that the only possible mobile phone reception is at the top of a neighbouring hill. Internet connection is a bit of a problem but there is a local cheese-maker – an escaped Grant Thornton accountant - who runs a small shop and has said we can use his connection.
The views in all directions are fantastic and we are woken by the sound of sheep baa-ing in the nearby field - we hope to pay several visits to Larry this winter. Meanwhile this is the final blog from Larry for this year.
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